what is a list of written statements describing proper conduct for a group of people?

Respect for Others

Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
Avoid discrimination, harassment, and bullying.
Integrity and Honesty

Be truthful and transparent in all communications.
Do not engage in dishonest or deceptive behavior.

Maintain a professional demeanor in all interactions.
Dress appropriately and adhere to workplace standards.

Take responsibility for your actions and decisions.
Admit mistakes and work towards correcting them.

Respect and protect the confidentiality of sensitive information.
Do not share proprietary or personal information without proper authorization.
Compliance with Laws and Policies

Follow all relevant laws, regulations, and organizational policies.
Report any illegal or unethical behavior.
Fairness and Equity

Treat everyone fairly and impartially.
Avoid favoritism and conflicts of interest.
Safety and Well-being

Prioritize the safety and well-being of yourself and others.
Follow safety guidelines and report unsafe conditions.
Teamwork and Collaboration

Work cooperatively and supportively with colleagues.
Value diverse perspectives and encourage open communication.
Continuous Improvement

Seek opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Encourage innovation and embrace constructive feedback